Roasted Cauliflower and Leek Soup
September 15, 2017
Spicy Chana & Lentil with Kale
September 27, 2017“I developed a plan for Rodney to train for his first 70.3 experience. Through consistent training and adherence to the plan, Rodney reached the start line of August 70.3 ready to race! However the conditions in Augusta Georgia were unlike those of St John’s Newfoundland where Rodney had completed his training. Faced with extreme heat and a non-wetsuit swim, Rodney tackled the course and the conditions like a champ”
Congratulations Rodney!
Rodney’s race re-cap as sent from his wife:
“He is all done and he had an amazing race experience! He did well in the water without the wetsuit, but had to work harder because the current kept pushing his legs down. It was his first OWS without a wetsuit. But he finished in 41 min and saved time in transition because he didn’t have to take the suit off, so he was happy. Thanks to your training, he had the endurance and the confidence to do it without the suit.
He felt amazing on the bike. He said he thought about you a lot remembering where you said to hold power, etc. He felt great and surpassed his expectations while pacing himself at the same time. He got very hot for the second half of the bike but he had a negative split so he paced himself well. Everyone was complaining about the hills, but he didn’t find them bad after doing your training in Newfoundland.
The run was very hot – 31 degrees, but he paced himself well and was able to finish strong with a negative split. Next time we will pick a cooler venue and he will be able to push harder on the run.
He felt confident that he did your training and he was mentally strong the whole time. He didn’t waiver or question his ability. We will be forever grateful for your help getting him here. He couldn’t have done it without you! He said you’ll always be his coach and he can’t wait to pick the next one and train with you again! Swim 41 min, Bike 2 hours 47 min, and Run time 1 hour 49 min, for a finish of 5 hours 22 min for first 70.3! Amazing!
He said he can’t wait to work with you for another season 🙂
Rodney & Amanda