Basil Lime Refresher
June 14, 2013
Success Story: Joe
June 27, 2013
Chantal was worried about her upcoming half and full Ironman races due to ongoing stomach issues while training at high intensities. We met for a quick session to sort out some potential causes and now she’s ready for Mont Tremblant 70.3 on June 23. Good Luck Chantal!
Thank you Tara Postnikoff for nutrition tips for my race! I had big stomach cramps while racing or training above threshold. By cutting dairy, gluten out, fruits prior to exercise, my cramps are gone. Race nutrition plan is going to be chews on the bike with Vega electrolytes and salt caps and while on the run it’ll be a yummy mixture of maple syrup, water and sea salt… Practicing this plan last weekend resulted in No more cramping!!! :)))
Chantal Serafini, Montreal, PQ
1 Comment
Dear Tara, thank you so much again for the fabulous nutrition plan you recommended me for my Ironman 70.3 at Mont-Tremblant. It worked perfectly and helped me reaching my goals: a new PB of 10 minutes on that course with a 5:00:12 finish! I was also very pleased with a podium finish in my age group (5th place), a 10th position among over all female amateurs… and a roll down spot to the World’s as a big big premium!!
I continue training with this nutrition plan for Ironman Mont-Tremblant. Training volume is increasing a lot but performance has stayed very satisfactory so far and I haven’t experienced any more cramping.
Thank you so much again!