Coconut Curried Chicken and Kale
April 29, 2014
Best Breakfast Smoothie
May 16, 2014 When I first came to Tara, I knew I needed a lifestyle change. What I did not realize is that what I REALLY needed is a mindframe and attitude change. Tara showed me how to think and feel differently about how I was nourishing my body (or not nourishing it!) and that only I was responsible for the ultimate results. In the initial two months that we have worked together, I have lost six inches from my waist and am now able to fit into at least 5 dresses I had put aside for at least a year. More importantly, I have naturally and holistically reframed my habits. Though it is still work every day and my journey continues, what I have appreciated a great deal with Tara’s approach is that she is very thoughtful about integrating new habits and perspectives into what I was already doing, rather than make me transform my whole lifestyle all at once. That is a true gift.
– – Susanna, Toronto, Loving my new outlook on Nutrition!